Having the incredible Amy Balsters (The Floral Coach) in our studio today was invigorating and inspiring. We’ve all heard her teach many times, but we have never been on the student side officially with product in hand and putting her feedback into practice and action. We learned SO MUCH. It’s so important for us to continue to educate ourselves, practice new or new to us techniques and to stretch ourselves so that we can continue to serve our clients really well!
This was truly a treat for us to have buckets of flowers, practice open and airy bouquets, and get some one on one critique and feedback from Amy who always delivers! We chatted more in depth about ordering for free-form bouquets, talked about color theory and palettes, and heaps about implied and dynamic lines! We are feeling extra prepared for our Spring season of bouquet making! Thank you to the moon and back Amy!
Daffodils from Grateful Gardeners and all other flowers from Mayesh Wholesale.