Absolutely thrilled to spend two days at an incredible workshop with Sue McLeary, Passion Flower Sue, at our friends’ Grateful Gardeners beautiful flower farm! Six of us designers from Sweet Root got to attend and we spent two days learning from Sue and connecting with other floral designers, putting new thoughts and ideas to practice, and enjoying some team time! We often split forces to design installations on site at events, so it was so nice to all work together on some bigger projects! Enjoy a few behind the scenes images from Maggie Martin of our time! And here are tags for all the other designers we spent these days with who show up in some of these images!
@passionflowersue | @grateful_gardeners | @maggie.martin.photography
@sweetrootvillage | @thesweetblossoms | @cedarandlimeco | @fieldtripflowers | @anne_es_garden_fresh | @onelastavocadofloraldesign | @olivialucasdesign | @fleursdc | @blendedfarms | @tulipsandtwigs | @emilyisaflorist | @carolinablossoms | @cpkfloral | @littlegoldpetals