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Red Fox Inn & Tavern Retreat in Middleburg, Virginia

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Red Fox Inn & Tavern Retreat in Middleburg, Virginia

A few weeks back, we were invited to Middleburg, Virginia to enjoy a Hunt Country Retreat hosted by Middleburg Hospitality!

The evening began over a warm cup of apple cider and a horse-drawn carriage ride to the National Sporting Library and Museum for a private tour before enjoying an incredible dinner at The Red Fox Inn & Tavern. Established in 1728, Red Fox counts George Washington and Jackie O as some of its famous guests. The menu was a true embodiment of Middleburg’s soulful connection to farmland and sustainable eating; shining a light on fresh seafood and game meats. Local purveyor, Kinloch Farm shared more about their philosophy to eco-conscious and humane cattle farming. Each food purveyor that spoke during our meals played a massive role in revealing what makes this region so unique and why it makes such a great wedding destination. We also had the delightful opportunity to learn more about award-winning wine originating and produced in Virginia with Boxwood Estate Winery and Oceano Wines.

More details from the dinner where the Sweet Root Village and Sophie Felts team partnered to design the floral over here on this additional post.

All images in this post were taken by Laura Gordon. And Film by Josh Gooden Cinema.

Properties: @redfoxinntavern @glenstonegardens @middleburghospitality | Design Partner: @mariee_ami | Paper and Digital Graphic Design: @elsamadelinedesign | Photography: @heatherwaraksa @lauragordon | Videography: @joshgoodencinema | Florals: @sophiefelts @sweetrootvillage | Entertainment: @dartcollective | Tabletop Rentals: @emersonjamesrental | Tabletop Linens: @reverie_social | Furniture Rentals: @selecteventgroup | PR and FAM Trip Facilitation: @ingoodcompanypr | Boxwood Estate Winery, @boxwoodestatewinery | Oceano Wines, @oceanowines | Kinloch Farm, @kinlochfarm | Rappahannock Oyster Co., @rroysters | Culinary Direction, @thechefryanross | Harmons Carriage, @harmonshayrides | National Sporting Museum & Library, @nationalsportinglm

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